Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I'm very pro-choice.
If someone wants an abortion, then golly gosh, they should be allowed.
And if someone is in pain, then I think it should be their right to decide.

But such a decision should be taken away in at least one case.
People who pronounce Target 'Tarjé' are deserving of being Euthanised, whether they have a death-wish or not.

The moral of this story?
Stop being wankers.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's true.

"Cold showers? They're for psychotics."
(Alexander 1995, Seinfeld)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

and on the seventh day...

Driving through Brisbane one can notice one thing.
The many, many churches scattered through.

I'd have absolutely no problem with this if not for the sickeningly awful signs out the front of each one.

"Brush up on your bible, it prevents truth decay"

"7 days without prayer makes 1 weak"

"Become an organ donor, give your heart to god"

"Lost? Use GPS - God's Plan of Salvation"

Signs like that don't convert me, but rather divert me.
They aren't funny and they aren't cute.
They aren't informative and they aren't clever.
So why.
They make me feel like Job.

The one church sign I can stomach.