Saturday, November 20, 2010


I don't how something so popular and crucial to the survival of the human race could disappear, just like that, without anyone noticing.
Maybe it got too big and so the corporations had to shut it down.
or Maybe it imploded from a great expansion in mass.

Now, every November 21st we must ask.

Where have aquarium screensavers gone?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dear Prudence

Dear Internet,
May I please request you to refrain from writing letters to things not of a tangible nature.
This includes, but is not limited to:

Dear School, I like totally hate you.
Signed, dumb slag.

Internet, why do you hurt me so?
Love, Duke Scrotum-Face IIX

This is for your benefit as well as mine.

Rory Stuart Ross Parker

Please note: when SkyNet takes over the second example will of course be acceptable.