You know the mosquitoes that are about the size of my dignity?
Yeah, them.

An artist's representation of a midge
Seriously, what do they live for?
I mean, I can understand mosquitoes, I don't like them, but I see that they fly around and live on blood.

Kinda like the fish from Piranha II: The Spawning
But seriously, what the hell do midges do?
Are they like Spike from Season 4-7 of Buffy?
Because, they never drink blood.
They never land.
They just fly around like they'd be blowing 0.999 on a RBT.

Things to note from the above:
1. The fly lands, walks and then flies off.
2. The midge flies around like a retard, comes oh so close to the arm but never touches.
3. That sexy muscle and the manly hair on my arm.
I've come to the conclusion that midges are mosquitoes, who are so depressed in their genetic abnormality (which is their small size) that they fall into a spiral of alcoholism.
I wonder if they fly home and mercilessly beat their wives and children?
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