Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lyk dis if you fink rb-b is bootiful xx

Rory's recipe for success on facebook:
Step One: Post a picture of someone with a disease, or cancer, or something that makes their physical appearance less than desirable.
Step Two: Set the caption as: 'Like and Share if you think this person is beautiful xx'.
Step Three: Sit back and watch the likes go up at an astronomical rate.

With this logic an image of John C Reilly could crash Facebook's servers.

Do these people actually look physically beautiful?
Do we have any proof that these people are beautiful on the inside?

In fact, philosopher Thomas Hobbes claimed that man is inherently evil - so the odds aren't in their favour. Heck, not all people diagnosed with cancer start to cherish life.

So why is it that these posts get more likes than I've ever seen on anything else? Because people want to look like they have a heart. I've noticed that most of the times (not all), its the image-obsessed dicks who like these images. The selfie-obsessed turds who care about themselves and no-one else. The ones who treat genuinely nice nerds like crap. Not the people who are genuinely nice people.

The same goes for liking pictures of aborted foetuses and tortured animals. The only thing you're doing is making me scroll faster.

I look like a heartless douche for this post, but its one of those things that really annoys me. If you want to show that you support the fight against cancer, donate a dollar to charity - don't sit at your computer thinking you're the archangel.

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