Most excellent.
Upon walking into the actual dental room, after a 40 minute wait in the reception I was greeted by my dentist. My usual dentist was away, and so today I had the temp.
She was small.
Very small.
Her head coming up to my nips small.
And Asian.
Very Asian.
Calling me 'Lawrly' asian.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
She was nice enough.
Anyway, after I get the rad glasses and gnarly bib on she shoves a huge clamp in my mouth to keep it open.

And wememberl to fross everyday.
Of course, after she has the clamp in my mouth, she asks me how my day was.
Naturally I replied, "Eughwhaskjflblkdskdf".
Next she gets out her instruments. Each of them look the same, each of them sound the same and each of them hurt the same.

Now, open wide.
Once that was done the hygienist came in.
What a waste of a job that is.
They study for how many years to teach you how to floss?
What is the point of her coming in anyway, they say the same thing every time.
No matter how hard you floss everyday an hour before you go they always tell you to do it better.
I was surprised, though. She said I brush fantastically.
Top shit.
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