Just look at this blog for God's sake.
Grotesque, disjunct sentences.
Improper use of capital letters in titles.
And even starting sentences with 'and'.
How dare me.
MSN speak, if necessary, should be limited to the internet.
You sound like a twat saying 'LOL', 'ROFL' and 'Smiley-face'.
I caught myself doing it the other day.
Upon realisation, I confined myself to 'the machine' from the Princess Bride (Best. Movie. Ever.) for several days.

I even went so far as to turn it up to 5
to finally find what it does to a man.
People over the age of 30 shouldn't be allowed on social networking services such as MSN and facebook.
For some reason, passing your twenties means that rather than just adding a comment you add an essay.
Instead of one question mark, you put twenty.
Returns can be replaced by '……………..'
And rather than the standard emoticons, such as :) and :P you feel the need to add a nose.

Only add a nose if you wish for :-| to symbolise Roman Polanski.
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