You'll probably faint, its that overwhelming.
Its taken me so long to document this because everytime I have attempted I've fallen into cardiac arrest mid sent--…..
You know that little thing called electricity that you take for granted?
This fable makes electricity about as exciting as a mule consuming wheat on a cloudy day.
The following events are real. To avoid possible head-explosion from the sheer awesomeness the subject's name has been changed to Wilfred Sampsonite.
It was a warm May afternoon.
Thursday May 6, 2010 to be precise.
Tyrone Steven Meaghan and I decided to attend Senior Options to see what it was like.
Bored, we left early and walked across to Woolworths.
Not finding what we were looking for here we decided to ride to the Strathpine branch of Sizzler, the family dining restaurant.
After being seated by a rather amusing little Irishman we began to stuff ourselves with Salad Bar.
As we sat there, looking like a homosexual couple in our pint-sized booth Tyrone pointed out a large man he noticed from the corner of his eyes.
He said what I was thinking, that he looked like Jay, from the films Clerks, Dogma and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (among others).

Jay on the top left (Silent Bob top right), and 'Wilfred Sampsonite' on the bottom
(Wilfred's identity has been protected)
Whilst we had a rather splendid day, noticing Wilfred was the high point of our day.
Anyway, whilst on an awesome scale this is an 11, the scale can be tipped further.
On the 8th of May 2010, at 00:26 a female friend of mine posted a status on facebook.
By 00:29, a man posted a reply comment.
I almost died.
For this man was Wilfred Sampsonite.
To make matters crazier, his display picture was taken that fateful day at Sizzler.
God have mercy on our souls.
Amazed, I instantly wrote a reply (aided by Tyrone), but debated replying.
On 9 May, 2010 at 22:35 I replied with the following comment.
Dear Mr Sampsonite, You have been a central part of an absolutely incredibly unlikely phenomenon that i am sure you are completely oblivious to.
On Thursday, 6 May 2010 one Tyrone Steven Meaghan and I, Rory Stuart Ross Parker attended a lunch at the Strathpine branch of the popular family restaurant chain, Sizzler.
After we were attended to by a humorous Irish fellow named **** Tyrone noticed a large feat of human perfection from the corner of his eye, and stated that he looked like Jay from the film Clerks.
I agreed.
This was quite possibly the highlight of our day.
Anyway, to cut things short, that person was you.
To our knowledge, we have never met, and yet we stumbled across you from *****s profile on facebook.
Surely there is a 100000000000 to 1 chance of this occurring, little alone us recognising you from your tiny profile photo.
Congratulations on altering my mind.
As of 7 June, 2010 at 21:00 I am awaiting a reply.
I'm dead inside.
Glad I just wasted your time making you read that?
I am too.
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