Half way through a review of a French Indie film, the picture rewound and then froze.
I had no idea what was going on, and then the image cut to a stage, on which our Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd was set to speak.
Now I like complaining just as much as the next person (probably even more so as you would know from reading this blog), but I think that ol' Ruddy was doing okay.
I've always liked Julia Gillard, but I can't say I'm glad that Australia's first female Prime Minister is the result of stabbing Ruddin the back.
She seems to be good enough, but I don't think I'll ever get over her two major flaws.
1. Her appearance.
She isn't ugly, but every time I see her I can't help but notice that she is obviously the result of Miranda (from my beloved Sex and the City) and the mayor of Whoville's sweet lovemaking.

that nose. wow.
2. Her voice.
My god, how can international politics take Kath from Kath and Kim seriously? We don't all sound like that, right?
Both of these flaws are extremely relevant to the advancement of her political career.
Tell me I'm wrong.
p.s. I saw Toy Story 3 - jinkies gang, was that good or what?
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